We can't be all things to all people but we can sleep at night.
When we were putting this collection together for Téa&Belle there were aspects that were at the top of our mind in design, mission and values.
To be able to feel comfortable in launching the following attributes had to be embedded into our Brand:
1. This is a company that is equally owned by two families, one Indigenous and one non-Indigenous, The Cooper's and Devow's. Both families have strong ties to many Indigenous communities and as such the products that are designed for our collections are based on the spirit of reconciliation and contemporary Indigenous culture. At no time do we want to appropriate another nations culture and in saying this our children and our heritage has the following which we also would like to acknowledge:
Syrian - Belle's dad is Syrian
Spanish - Belle's grandmother is Half Syrian, Half Spanish
Irish - Belle's family on her mum's side is Half Irish (hence the ranga hair and her fiery temper)
English - Belle's family history on her mum's side is half english convict stock (and with the last name Cooper, they have a love of beer)
American - Téa's great grandfather was an american officer serving in world war II and posted to Cairns
Torres Strait Islander - Téa's Grandmother is Torres Strait Islander
Aboriginal - Téa's Grandfather is a
Dutch - Téa's grandparents on her mums side are Dutch
Our collection's aim is to highlight and celebrate the diversity, beauty and humour of Australian people.
2. We are consumers also and when buying products and services we of course want to support and buy locally, but when we cannot source supplies or manufacturers we need to look at our global economy. Some of our products will be sourced from overseas though this is done with key elements that have to be met for all of our products and that is our commitment both to Téa&Belle and to you our customers. This means that our products are always sourced from ethical producers, where there is no exploitation of child labour and people paid and treated fairly in the workplace. We all want to live in a world where everyone acts with integrity by making positive choices that support the well being of a global community.
Purchasing a Téa&Belle product you are guaranteed:

All clothing in the Téa&Belle Collection are manufactured In factories that are endorsed by the FairWear foundation.

We are committed to making sure everyone who is involved in this process is not at any disadvantage.