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Tea&Belle's 15 favourite Instagram pages that will become your favourites too.

A picture tells a thousand words and our favourite instagrammers do just that. We have curated our favourite individuals and businesses whose instragram pages we follow religiously and hope you will too.


Belles Mum

Our absolute favourite! We are saving up to purchase a piece of this submine furniture. Actually this isn't furniture, It's ART

Managuan Furniture was established only two years ago, Manapan translated means coming together. Manapan employs 12 local indigenous men and women who work in conjunction with a leading furniture design company in Melbourne. Crafted from Darwin Stringybark and other Australian natural materials these bespoke pieces should sit it in every Australian consul around the world, government departments across Australia and pride of place in your home.

Hoping they do layby :)

Working with Australian Indigenous artists to create fabrics, wallpapers and soft furnishings for residential and commercial interiors we love Willie Weston.

Willie Weston is a social enterprise that works with Aboriginal artists across Australia. Willie Weston pays artists for each metre produced, providing ongoing income str­eams outside their main art practice. In doing so, they support the continuance of art production, and contribute to viable livelihoods, in communities across remote Australia. Artists that collaborate with Willie Weston come from Indigenous countries of Ampilatwatja, Manyjilyjarra, Kartujarra, Putijarra, Warnman and Martu Wangka to name a few.


Kirtsy Leigh Young's photography is a world unto themselves. Kristy takes us on adventures that give us insights into the fascinating culture, stunning landscapes and everyday life of the people and places of the Torres Strait. Be an armchair traveller and look forward to an Instagram hit from Kirsty.

They tell the stories of foragers around the world. With many Indigenous contributers to this site makes this Instagram page a go to for amazing stories of people who want to share their knowledge of native food. We love all the content that is contributed from the over 69,000 members all around the world, especially the recipes!

Travel to Groote Eylandt to see Australia’s hidden treasures.

Fact: One of the world’s premier game fishing destinations

Fact: They keep saltwater crocs for pets

Fact: Many-millennia-old cave paintings

Fact: On our bucket list

Founder of Strong Brother Strong Sister Aboriginal youth mentoring company providing 1:1 mentoring and creating culturally safe spaces for our youth

"Strong Brother, Strong Sister is a culturally appropriate safe place for Aboriginal young people to access and thrive. The structure and programs within the space guide, mentor and empower Aboriginal young people to achieve excellence. The outcomes from these programs not only guide, mentor and empower Aboriginal young people, they also improve Aboriginal young people’s health and wellbeing"

Cormach's sense of social justice, pride in culture and cheeky personality makes his Instagram page one of our favourites.

Kapululangu Aboriginal Women's Law and Culture Centre in Balgo, Australia is a key provider of ancient Indigenous philosophy, ceremonies and practice.

We so want to go on this journey where we can join Aboriginal Women Elders on their Women's Law Ground for six days and nights where we are immersed in cultural training and Women's Deep Ceremony.

On these guided journeys you can learn to Connect with Self, Kin, Country and Tjukurrpa (Dreaming/Universal Life Force).

Established in 2009 The Mobile Language Team to provide resources for Aboriginal languages in the South Australian Region. The team aims to document Indigenous languages with the goal of revitilising local Aboriginal dialets. They have a fantastic online resource where you can listen to local indigenous languages.

"A movement that celebrates life, creativity and country."

Iniatated by Indigenous Connection Organisation, they have created professional courses to help Indigenous youth with personal developement. Aimed to assist Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young men and women realise and develop their confidence and see the beauty for who they are.

"We don’t just teach our talent how to present themselves on the outside, but give them the tools to nourish their body, mind and spirit from the inside" Indigenous Connection Organisation

A simple idea with such a strong message. Kurdiji 1.0 is an app being developed by local Warlpiri elders. Western medical interventions had not stopped suicides in the community so elders came together and said: "enough is enough". The ideas of Kurdiji belong to an initiation ceremony of the same name. For most of Aboriginal history, these ideas were only accessible through Kurdiji ceremony or directly from elders in the community. Warlpiri people are changing their laws, giving wide public access to these ideas to save lives.

Warlpiri elders have partnered with clinical psychologist from the black dog intitute, experienced technologists and photographers and have used the GOfundme platform to raise $240,000 to develop this app.

Fact: Since using these traditional methods there has been no suicides in this community since 2005

Bush Medijina, use the knowledge that has been passed down through the women in their communities. From Mamarra (Small Leaved Paperbark) and Mawilyaburna (Liniment), Merrika (Broad Leaved Wattle) and Dumburumba (Native Sandalwood), Mamaburra (Wild Peach Tree), Yilyakwa (Sugar Bag) and Angarrakaka (Jungle Currant) the women produce everything on country to make a fantastic range of body products. Part of their vision "is to support other women to become stronger in mind and body so that we can better deal with these challenges and be leaders and advocates for our communities."

We love this quote from one of these fantastic women;

“We are protecting our families using bush medicine. We need to keep working for our future generations and help our future kids.

The Orana foundation is the brainchild of chef JocK Zonfrillo. This NFP aims to work with Aboriginal Communities by creating a Native Australian Foods Database that will help stimulate Indigenous enterprise by researching, documenting, commercialising and promoting Australian native foods.

His bio says it all: A page dedicated to sharing the beauty of Australian Native flora and showing people how adaptable they can be! Get involved!

Thanks to that native guy we know what cocky's tongue is, how to collect native seeds and we found out how a tree is worth over $190,000. His enthusiasm is infectious!

Cheeky, sometimes naughty but always a great footballer. Sam's Instagram account shows all facets of his life and Indigenous culture. His photos of his family are just gorgeous, but we love his cooking posts the most.

Our aim is to inform Instagrammers which Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander lands they on. We repost Instagrammers stunning photography and add additional cultural infomation. We would love if you could follow us @teaandbelle

Beautiful shot @cecilyyoga did you know that in Aboriginal culture that the practice of Dadirri means inner, deep listening and quiet, still awareness. It is a 'tuning in' experience with the specific aim to come to a deeper understanding of the beauty of nature. Dadirri recognises the inner spirit that calls us to reflection and contemplation of the wonders of all God's creation. Within a deep silence we attempt to find the inner self, the perfect peace and the experience of God embracing us. Also the traditional lands where this fantastic shot was taken is that of the Mitambuta and Taugaurong peoples. “The quieter you become, the more you can hear” - Ram Dass. Take some moments for quiet reflection and stillness in your day to listen to the story of your body. Shot at the beautiful @215mtbuffalo @cecilyyoga repost

We love that Dietmar is so spiritual and loves Australia, did you know that The Lairmairrener tribe are the traditional owners of where this pic was taken, they moved into the area as the glaciers began retreating. They engaged in extensive burning which produced the button grass plains and attracted animals to the tender shoots of the new vegetation. They built durable huts. There is evidence that the people moved mostly through the valleys and only visited the high country during the summer months. Have a great and thanks for taking this beautiful pic @cradlecoasttasmania @lake_of_tranquilityHi guys! Dietmar (@lake_of_tranquility) here. I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend. The terrific @cradlecoasttasmania team have kindly lent their wonderful hub to me today to share some of my Tasmanian images with you. .

@shipwreckphotography you rocked with this great photo. Did you know that the traditional owners of the Caloundra area where this photo was taken are the Kabi Kabi people.

The name Caloundra gets it's name from this tribe which means Caloundra - from kalowen-dha or kalowen-ba, meaning 'a place of beech trees' . Have an awesome day and thanks @shipwreckphotography for walking gently

on traditional country ❤

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Téa&Belle Collective 2020

Téa&Belle acknowledges the Traditional Owners of country throughout Australia and recognises their continuing connection to land, waters and community. We pay our respects to them and their cultures; and to elders both past and present.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples should be aware that this website may contain images or names of people who have since passed away

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